Pray 2023
From Mission to Vision to Mobilization
“God does nothing but by prayer, and everything with it.”
- John Wesley
We continue as a people that prays...
We enter into our second year with another Call to Prayer from Easter (4/9) to Pentecost (5/28). The feedback has been resounding after praying through Pentecost 2022, that we must pray again every year! Oh, the unifying effects of praying together.
We also heard from the Spirit; our church must focus on each of the elements below for our vision in the USA/Canada Region, Church of the Nazarene.
There emerged four heart-cries for the USA/Canada Region, Church of the Nazarene:
- The importance of "mobilizing all Nazarenes in unity" in the midst of a polarized world.
- The calling of our churches to engage in "blessing our communities," to get out from behind our walls to be salt and light in our culture.
- A passion for "bringing people to Jesus," especially younger generations.
- A longing for the transformation of the whole person, "becoming Christlike disciples" mobilized to make a holy, positive impact in our world.
1 Peter 4:10 (NIV)
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms.
God’s mission is our mission; God’s vision is our vision.
Years ago, the Spirit moved the Church of the Nazarene to adopt a powerful Mission Statement based on the Great Commission. We all share this common mission in our districts, churches, and ministry entities.

In 2022 God set His people to praying. The Half Million Mobilization called 500,000 Nazarenes across Canada and the USA to pray. We also called those who prayed to share what they heard the Spirit saying to the Church. There were four “heart cries” that emerged from God’s people, regardless of their role or age group.
Mobilizing all Nazarenes in unity in the midst of a polarized world, calling our churches to engage in blessing our community, bringing people to Jesus especially our younger generations, and embracing the transformation of the whole person through becoming Christlike disciples.
In the following months these “heart cries” were prayerfully formed by pastors and lay people, educators and ministry leaders of all ages and cultures, into the grand vision for Canada and the USA.

Over time, our regional focus on these “heart cries” from our people will lead to a yearly emphasis on each one. We will start by mobilizing all Nazarenes in unity in 2023, then focus on blessing our community in 2024, then bringing people to Jesus in 2025, and finishing the cycle with becoming Christlike disciples in 2026. This cycle will repeat and the realization of this vision within the region will become reality.
We call this The Cycle to Resurgence.

Praying The Spirit's Vision to Pentecost
Join your church family across Canada and the United States in a prayer journey from Easter Sunday, April 9, until Pentecost Sunday, May 28.
Be inspired by a special section within the Holiness Today Mar/Apr issue devoted to prayer. Participate in the journey of prayer following a daily prayer journal called From Mission to Vision to Mobilization.
Order From Mission to Vision to Mobilization Prayer Journals here:
No Longer AvailableYou may also download a digital version
of the Prayer Journal here:
Call to Prayer 2023
Learn about Half-Million Mobilization for 2023!
Mission & Vision
Prayer Journal 2023
Listen to Dr. Stan Reeder share information on the Prayer Journal From easter 4/9 to Pentecost 5/28.

Attention Preachers!
How about some help from our leading pastors across the region preaching on mission, vision, unity, and mobilization? These sermons will keep you right in sync with the content in the Prayer Journal from Easter (4/9) to Pentecost (5/28).
You can use these prayer manuscripts in whatever way you might find them helpful. Use as much of the text as you like.

Sermon Manuscripts on Prayer
(Click on Downloads below for English and translated Sermons)
HMM Video Bumper 2023
ONE 20-inch Move (Easter) | Rick Harvey, Bethany First Church of the Nazarene | 9-Apr-22 |
ONE Vision | Tim Fisher, Lead Pastor, Crossroads Community Church | 16-Apr-22 |
ONE Call for Unity | Kevin Jack, Lead Pastor, Highland Park Church | 23-Apr-22 |
ONE Spirit Mobilizing all Nazarenes | Samantha Chambo, Regional Educational Coordinator, USA/Canada Region | 30-Apr-22 |
ONE People Blessing Our Community | Brian Wiesinger, Lead Pastor, The Crossing Church | 7-May-22 |
ONE People Bringing People to Jesus | Wynne Lankford, Lead Pastor, Southside Church | 14-May-22 |
ONE People Becoming Christlike Disciples | Lesley Hansher, Lead Pastor, Kennewick Nazarene Church | 21-May-22 |
ONE Power (Pentecost) | Stan Reeder, Regional Director, USA/Canada Region | 28-May-22 |